Any exceptions to the policies stated in the Manual, if not expressly delegated, must be approved by OSBM. These policies may be superseded by OSBM directives or agency policies as long as they conform to the basic principles of the Manual. (5) Ensuring all functions of the disbursing
operations are properly fulfilled, and that there is sufficient staff to carry
out the activities of the disbursing office. The Comptroller, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global
Financial Services has general supervisory responsibility for the financial
management functions of the Department. See 4 FAH-2 for the administration and control of
disbursing and reporting for overseas operations.
OSC prepares and gains approval from the federal government and distributes the central service cost plans. Each agency is responsible for integrating these central services costs into their costs plans to recover the optimum allowable indirect costs from its federal grants. Transfer of salary reserve is allowed only to permanent salary lines of like funding source (i.e., General bookkeeping for medical practices Fund to General Fund, Highway Fund to Highway Fund, receipts to receipts). The remainder of the employer’s contribution requirements shall be paid from the same source that supplies the remainder of the employee’s salary (G.S. 143C-6-6(b)). While the University system’s flexibility extends to salary reserve funds, universities must use them with like funding sources.
They are a decrease of expenditures and should be handled in accordance with policies established by OSC. Sales to students, employees, or patients are not considered refunds of expenditures, but are shown as receipts. It may be necessary to revise the budget, both in requirements and estimated receipts, to properly reflect these transactions. 143C-6-4 outlines the appropriate circumstances when an agency may, upon approval of the Director of the Budget, exceed the certified amount for a line item by adjusting the authorized budget.
The Governor has the authority to veto the legislatively approved (ratified) budget. Short session budget adjustments may include changes needed due to economic and inflationary changes or program operating requirements, such as increases to reflect changes in the enrollment or population served by public schools, prisons, and entitlement programs. As an initial step, OSBM develops revenue projections and works with the Fiscal Research Division of the General Assembly to finalize a consensus revenue projection for the upcoming biennium or fiscal year. OSBM also develops tax policy recommendations to determine the funding levels available to support the State’s biennial budget. The Governor makes decisions about spending priorities and the total size of the Recommended Budget. As an initial step in the budget process, agencies develop strategic plans to provide the context for long-term policy formation and budgetary decision-making.
Reference internal agency policies for required documentation for reimbursement of mileage and incidental expenses. At the end of the day, remove the receipts from the drawer and deposit in the appropriate bank account. The amount remaining in the drawer should be the full amount of the fund (i.e., imprest amount such as $100 in example).
Ultimately, the plan is designed to improve funding, planning, and management decisions in state government. OSBM issues a memo with instructions and strategic planning guidance each biennium. All agencies must submit their strategic plans in May of odd-numbered years with the option to submit an updated plan in the spring of even-numbered years.
Unless labeled as revised estimates, previous year municipal population estimates should not be compared to current year estimates. OSBM is required to provide a report on certain rules with economic impact to the Governor, the General Assembly, and local government stakeholders annually by March 1 (G.S. 150B-21(e) and 21.28). An informal meeting is a meeting consisting of an agency head or his or her designee and non-state employees during which official state business is discussed for the majority of the meeting. Informal meetings are one-time occurrences and are not held on a recurring or routine basis. It is the responsibility of the agency to ensure that reimbursement for meals included in the lump-sum payment is not also included in reimbursement payments made to state employees who are conference participants. Notwithstanding the conditions above, sponsoring agencies may provide refreshments to conference participants at rates above $5.00 per participant per day if the costs are included in the external conference registration fee.
The certifying officer is an accountable officer who
has been charged with the responsibility for certifying individual vouchers or
voucher schedules in accordance with the CGFS management approved financial
workflow configuration (see 4 FAM 429,
4 FAM 045). A certifying officer
is responsible for the accuracy and propriety of all documents upon which
payment is to be based and certifying that the payment is legal, correct, and
proper. The certifying officer is personally liable to repay the amount of any
illegal or improper payment resulting from their certification unless relief
from liability is granted. The conclusions and actions of a certifying officer
are governed by pertinent laws and regulations and the exercise of prudent
judgment (see 4 FAM 370). Two years of full performance level
budgeting experience planning, preparing, and maintaining departmental budgets
or full performance level auditing or advanced level accounting experience.
The voucher precertifier is responsible for reviewing and
approving any vouchers requiring pre-certification in accordance with the CGFS
management approved financial workflow configuration (see 4 FAM 423). In general, CFOs often take a greater presence in external-facing tasks including mergers, acquisitions, or involvement with investors. Meanwhile, financial controllers own more of the internal reporting process including implementing internal controls, managing the month-end close schedule, and ensuring financial accuracy.
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